Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template

Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

Description: This guide explains how to create a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) requirements gathering template. It provides a structured approach to identifying data needs, reporting requirements, and decision-making processes to ensure the success of a BI project.

In today’s data-driven business environment, organizations are increasingly relying on Business Intelligence (BI) systems to make informed decisions. A well-designed BI system provides the right information to the right people at the right time. However, building a successful BI system starts with gathering precise requirements from stakeholders. This ensures that the system meets the specific needs of the business.

Creating a Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template is essential to streamline the process. In this article, we’ll explore what a BI requirements gathering template should include, why it’s important, and how to use it effectively in your BI projects.

Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Business Intelligence refers to the technologies, applications, and practices used for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. The goal of BI is to support better business decision-making by transforming raw data into meaningful insights.

A BI system can provide critical functions such as:

  • Data Reporting: Creating operational and financial reports.
  • Data Analysis: Offering insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and operational efficiency.
  • Performance Management: Monitoring KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track business performance.

Why is Requirements Gathering Important in BI?

The success of a BI project is largely dependent on how well the requirements are understood and documented. Requirements gathering is the process of identifying and documenting the needs of the business. This includes determining what data needs to be collected, how it will be analyzed, and what types of reports or dashboards need to be created.

Poorly defined requirements can lead to BI systems that are ineffective, missing key functionalities, or too complicated for users to adopt. That’s why a structured approach to requirements gathering is crucial.

A well-defined BI requirements gathering template helps ensure that:

  • Stakeholders’ needs are captured accurately.
  • Clear objectives are set for the BI system.
  • The system is scalable and can grow with the business.
  • Data governance and compliance requirements are considered.

Key Components of a BI Requirements Gathering Template

The template should serve as a guide to collect, organize, and prioritize information from business stakeholders. Below are the key components that your BI requirements gathering template should include.

1. Project Overview

The project overview provides a high-level understanding of the business problem that the BI system aims to solve. This section typically includes:

  • Project Name: A brief title for the BI initiative.
  • Project Purpose: A statement that outlines why the BI system is being developed. For example, “to provide actionable insights into sales performance across different regions.”
  • Business Goals: List the specific business goals the BI system will help achieve. This might include improving operational efficiency, increasing customer retention, or reducing costs.

2. Stakeholder Identification

Identify the key stakeholders involved in the BI project. These can include:

  • Executive Sponsors: The business leaders who champion the project and provide funding.
  • Business Users: The individuals who will use the BI system to make decisions. These users may include managers, analysts, and department heads.
  • IT Team: Developers, data engineers, and IT support staff who will help implement and maintain the system.

Understanding the needs and expectations of each stakeholder group is critical. The template should include:

  • Stakeholder names and roles.
  • The type of decisions they make and how the BI system will support those decisions.

3. Data Requirements

BI systems rely heavily on data. Identifying the necessary data sources and defining data needs is one of the most critical aspects of the BI requirements gathering process.

Data Sources:

  • List all internal and external data sources that will be used for the BI system. This could include CRM systems, ERP platforms, social media data, sales databases, and external market data sources.

Data Attributes:

  • Define specific data attributes that are needed for reporting and analysis. For example, if the project focuses on sales, data attributes might include sales region, product category, customer demographics, and sales volume.

Data Frequency:

  • Determine how often data needs to be updated. Some systems may require real-time data feeds, while others may only need daily or weekly updates.

Data Quality Considerations:

  • Include guidelines for ensuring the data’s accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Poor-quality data can lead to flawed insights and bad decisions.

4. Reporting and Dashboard Requirements

This section focuses on the outputs of the BI system — the reports, dashboards, and visualizations that will be used to deliver insights.

Types of Reports:

  • Identify the types of reports needed, such as financial reports, operational reports, or customer insights reports. Consider whether users will need real-time reports or periodic (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) reports.

KPIs and Metrics:

  • Determine which KPIs and metrics are most important for the business. This might include metrics such as revenue growth, customer lifetime value (CLV), churn rate, and employee productivity.

Dashboard Design:

  • Define the layout and design of dashboards, including which metrics and visualizations will be displayed. Consider how dashboards can be customized for different user groups (e.g., executive dashboards vs. operational dashboards).

User Interaction:

  • Identify how users will interact with the BI system. For example, will they need drill-down capabilities, filtering options, or the ability to export data? Consider ease of use and how users will navigate reports and dashboards.

5. Security and Compliance Requirements

Ensuring that your BI system complies with data security standards and regulations is vital, especially if you are handling sensitive data such as customer information or financial records.

Data Access Controls:

  • Define who has access to different parts of the BI system. Role-based access controls (RBAC) are often used to ensure that users only see the data and reports relevant to their job function.


  • Identify any regulatory or industry-specific compliance requirements that must be met. For example, if your organization operates in the healthcare sector, your BI system must comply with HIPAA regulations.

Data Governance:

  • Establish guidelines for data governance, including who is responsible for managing and maintaining data quality, privacy, and security.

6. Technical Requirements

While much of the focus of the requirements gathering process is on business needs, it’s also important to define the technical aspects of the BI system. This includes:

  • Integration with Existing Systems: How will the BI system integrate with your existing IT infrastructure? Define whether the system will need to connect with CRM, ERP, or other platforms.
  • System Performance: Specify any performance requirements, such as the ability to handle large datasets, support real-time analytics, or process complex queries.
  • Cloud vs. On-Premises: Determine whether the system will be hosted on the cloud or on-premises, and what technical support will be needed for each option.

7. Training and Support

Lastly, include training and support requirements to ensure that users can effectively utilize the BI system.

User Training:

  • Define the type of training needed for different user groups. This could include on-site training, online tutorials, or user documentation.

Ongoing Support:

  • Specify the level of ongoing support required. Will there be a help desk for troubleshooting, or will the IT department handle support requests?


A comprehensive Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template is essential for ensuring that your BI system aligns with your business goals, meets user expectations, and delivers valuable insights. By focusing on key areas such as data requirements, reporting needs, security, and technical specifications, your BI project will have a strong foundation for success.

By taking the time to accurately gather and document these requirements, you reduce the risk of project delays, budget overruns, and user dissatisfaction, ensuring a BI system that drives business success.