Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template


A business intelligence (BI) requirements gathering template is a document that helps business analysts and BI professionals to collect and organize the requirements for a BI project. The template can be used to gather requirements from a variety of stakeholders, including end users, business owners, and IT professionals.

Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering Template

Benefits of using a BI requirements gathering template

There are a number of benefits to using a BI requirements gathering template, including:

  • Improved efficiency: A template can help BI analysts and BI professionals to gather requirements more efficiently by providing a structure for the requirements gathering process.
  • Reduced errors: A template can help to reduce errors by ensuring that all of the necessary information is collected for each requirement.
  • Improved communication: A template can help to improve communication between BI analysts, BI professionals, and stakeholders by providing a common language for describing requirements.
  • Increased chances of success: A well-defined set of requirements is essential for the success of any BI project. By using a template to gather requirements, BI analysts and BI professionals can increase the chances of success for their projects.

Structure of a BI requirements gathering template

A BI requirements gathering template typically includes the following sections:

  • Requirement ID: A unique identifier for the requirement.
  • Requirement name: A brief description of the requirement.
  • Requirement description: A detailed description of the requirement, including its purpose, functionality, and non-functional requirements.
  • Stakeholders: The stakeholders who are affected by the requirement.
  • Priority: The priority of the requirement.
  • Due date: The date by which the requirement must be implemented.
  • Data sources: The data sources that will be used to meet the requirement.
  • Metrics: The metrics that will be used to measure the success of the requirement.

How to use a BI requirements gathering template

To use a BI requirements gathering template, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your stakeholders. Who will be using the BI system? Who will be responsible for providing data to the BI system?
  2. Schedule interviews with your stakeholders. This is the best way to gather detailed information about their needs and requirements.
  3. Use the template to guide your interviews. This will help you to collect all of the necessary information for each requirement.
  4. Review the requirements with your stakeholders. This is important to ensure that the requirements are accurate and complete.
  5. Finalize the requirements document. Once the requirements have been reviewed and finalized, you can share the document with your team and stakeholders.

Tips for using a BI requirements gathering template

Here are a few tips for using a BI requirements gathering template:

  • Tailor the template to your specific needs. The template is just a starting point. You can customize it to fit the specific needs of your project.
  • Be clear and concise. When describing the requirements, be sure to be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your stakeholders may not understand.
  • Get feedback from your stakeholders. Regularly review the requirements with your stakeholders to get their feedback. This will help to ensure that the requirements are accurate and complete.
  • Keep the requirements document up to date. The requirements document should be a living document. As the project progresses, you may need to add, remove, or modify the requirements.

By following these tips, you can use a BI requirements gathering template to effectively gather and manage the requirements for your BI project.


Here is an example of a BI requirements gathering template:

This is just an example, and your template may include different sections or requirements depending on your specific needs.